Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Latest Hobby

Since I have been unemployed I have decided to expand my horizons. I signed up for a cake decorating class. I am loving it even though it is only my second class and we are still learning very basic things. Here are my little practice creations that I learned to make today. In case you can't tell what they are there is a green and yellow turtle, yellow chicks (or ducks if you prefer), a brown bear, a purple elephant, a green alligator and a pink pig. After looking at the photos maybe I need to expand my horizons more and take a photo class.
This is a frog and another alligator. The frog is my own creation. At least my own in the respect that we didn't learn to make it in class.


Cara Jones said...

These are ADORABLE!!!!!! I want to learn :-) The elephant and chicks are my favorite! Can you make our little baby a cake when you come? It will be for her, but I will eat it...haha YUM!

Brittany said...

You got talent! Those are cute! This is Brittany by the way. Now when is that little Jones baby gonna get here? 9 months is way too long!

Samantha Phillips said...

Hey guys, it's Sam Phillips - Robby's friend from High school. I can't believe you moved to Utah! How are you liking it there? Well i'm proably the last of Robby's frends to hear. Well i feel kinda bad that robby has been gone for a whole year and i havn't written him once! I'm hopig though, that he'll find it in himself to forgive me! Well, it was a fun suprise finding your blog!