Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hoby Get Your Gun Ready!

This summer Rylie spent almost a month in Arizona. While she was there she got her hair cut. (by Cara's friend Brittney) I love it but it made her look so much older than she is. Now there are all sorts of boys hanging around her. Including some of Tyler's friends who have started noticing her. And as you can tell by this picture she is starting to learn how to "work it".
Here she is "kickin it" in our front yard. She is growing up way too fast for me. It is hard to believe that she will be 14 less than 2 months.


MacBlog said...

ooohhhh riley!
i like the hair cut ;)
good to hear you guys are still alive and well accross the other side of the world!
we've made a family blog , and maybea this way riley will ACTUALLY reply to stuff i send her !!!!! argh .
all right , i gotta go ,

luv yaz all
xxoo etc.

Kelsi said...

hey rylie
i love your haircut , i haven't seen you in forever ever but i hope you are are doing fantastic.

love ya chica:

amber {and co.} said...

holy cow the last time I saw Rylie was at Jeff and Cara's wedding- she's a hottie now! :) Glad to see you guys have a blog, it was great seeing you over Thanksgiving! Give us a holler if you ever need anything, we're not far away!
-Amber Phillips